Although I went to bed exhilarated by the Olympic Trials and the WeRunSocial meet up, I woke up on race day with mixed feelings. While I was excited to be running my first full marathon, there was a battle going on inside my head. Although I was confident that I could cover the distance and cross that finish line, I was uncertain about beating my goal of a sub 5-hour marathon. My training in the weeks approaching the marathon was hindered by health issues (my autoimmune disease and a stomach bug) and personal issues. Still, I was ready to see what my body could do.
When I arrived at Dodger Stadium, I realized that I left my sunglasses in the car and that my shaker bottle opened up in my bag and spilled about a third of my Vega One shake inside my bag. What a mess! I cleaned up my gear as best I could and tried to stay warm in the bleachers.
Between WeRunSocial, UnitedLA, and the GRVL Runners, I knew a lot of people running today but I didn’t see any of them until a few minutes before the start. I found some of the UnitedLA & GRVL Runners crew. We chatted a bit, wished each other luck, and made our way to our corrals.
When I finally reached the start line, I decided to just let go and run. Since this was my first full marathon, I was going to take it all in and enjoy it. I have to admit, though, the first couple of miles were difficult to enjoy because it was soooo crowded along the course. That, and there were a lot of runners who were running shoulder to shoulder 3-4 people wide. There were also a lot of people who would just stop running abruptly to walk!
By about mile 4, things opened up more and I felt like I could run more comfortably. I was feeling okay, running conservatively. I was on pace to easily meet my goal of a sub 5-hour marathon… maybe even finish in 4:45.
Although I’m a SoCal local, I’ve never really spent a lot of time in LA except for Santa Monica or Griffith Park for UnitedLA runs. It was cool to run through the streets and see some of the famous landmarks.
![IMG_1181 (1)](
Like I said, I was running comfortably and was on pace to make my goal… then the wheels came off! At about mile 19/20 my calves started cramping up on me. I stopped to stretch but the muscle spasms only got worse.
My legs wouldn’t let me run the final 10k. I was limping and hobbling at best. Holding back tears from both physical pain and disappointment, I tried to push myself to run/jog a quarter mile at a time, stopping to stretch and walk frequently.
Not finishing was not an option. I was determined to cross that finish line. Thankfully, I did not have to crawl. I finished at 5:29:43.
At the time, I thought that I wouldn’t run another marathon–that I was one and done. But after a few days, I decided I would give it another go. I’m looking to ConqurLA next season!
![I'm a marathoner.](
![On the plus side, I did earn the Golden State Double Medal for running Ragnar SoCal](