So, a couple of months ago I thought it would be a good idea to sign up for the LA Marathon. I figured that it’s about time that I run a full marathon since I’ve got a few half marathons under my belt now. Plus, who knows how long it will be before my body tells me I can’t run anymore. Now is the time! Right?
Training was going pretty well. That is up until a couple of weeks ago. I woke up violently ill the morning of a scheduled 20-miler with UnitedLA so I didn’t run. I haven’t run consistently since before then. Last weekend, I had to take it easy because I was on Field Control Therapy… I ran a 5-miler that felt more difficult than it should have. My mid-week runs have been nonexistent.
With 3 weeks before the LA Marathon, it seems that my running mojo has left me at the worst possible time!!!
I’m planning to get up early for a longer run tomorrow. It doesn’t have to be a good run… I just need a run to feel like I’m back on track.
Have you ever lost your motivation to run or workout? How did you get it back?